Two churches in Delft have a partnership with this church called ‘Guadelupe’ in Estelí, Nicaragua. The protestant church in Delft, called Vierhoven, and the (catholic) Francis and Clara church work together with their own contacts in Estelí. The church called Don Bosco, in Estelí, would like to join.
The churches in Delft support three projects:
- The dental care project from the church Guadelupe.
- The music school (which is a rotating fund).
- Community work organized by Iniciativa Colibri.
The church Don Bosco in the neighboorhood Oscar Gamez would like our support to purchase materials for handicraft that can be made by elderly, during their meetings. We will try to honour this request.
The funding from the church at the Raamstraat in Delft originates mostly from monthly bread-made meals. During these meals money is always collected for Estelí. The funding from the church ‘Vierhoven’ is mostly originating from the revenue of a yearly market for projects in Estelí.
The exhibition “To be a church here and there’ (2018) can be borrowed from our organisation. This exhibition consists of 9 works of 60x90cm and shows 3 themes; faith; building and communal activities. A copy of this exhibition can be seen in the church Guadalupe in Estelí.